Sometimes funny things, weird conversations and somewhat, ehh, interesting exchanges of dialogue happen when photographing models in the nude. Pretty natural and delightful when when you are used to it. I think some of it deserves to be shared as it's material for a good a good laugh, and a rare insight to how a session goes, so I thought, why not publish it? I'll likely keep the specifics of the models anonymous to protect the innocent. If you like it feel free to share on social media - there's a share button at the bottom of the page.
In voluptas mors redux

In late October I did one of the most challenging but also fun shoots for a long time to support the Movember movement. It involved 7 models spaced vary accurately to form a skull, essentially a redo of the old Salvador Dali & Philip Halsman image from way back when. …
Empowerment and photographers
Many of my friends are a bit envious on my ability to spend countless hours accompanied by beautiful, attractive (nude) women. And they are absolutely right to be envious but not for the reason they think.
Obviously I love women and find great pleasure in observing a beautiful body (and most bodies are really). …
Bush or no bush

This week I've had the pleasure (and I mean this literally) to be involved in the discussion of two models pubic hair look, for a shoot: Most Danish models are averted to wearing fur and prefer to go bare. I don't really have an opinion either way - until we talk images. …
I did a session with an agency model a few weeks back while visiting a foreign city. I like to shoot in hotel rooms and use the available light and interior if at all possible. It makes things a bit more challenging but also forces me to work differently with the setup than in a studio session. …
How I get nude models to pose
I'm frequently asked by fellow photographers how I get hold of all the beautiful women who pose in the nude for me for my pictures. The thing is it's not very hard when you consider all the implications for the model:
Why would a woman want to take her clothes off and pose in the nude (a range of reasons that can apply):
Shooting nudes in public
There is an interesting dynamic, or should I say degree of modesty, going on when shoting models in the nude. It goes without saying that when making a nude session the model is nude. The photographer inevitably looks at the model and depending on the model, the few seconds of awkwardness initially felt after unveiling herself, soon disappears. …
The right shoes for the job
I was shooting a model, a dancer, one morning in a hotel room on one of my trips. I asked the model to bring a bit on lingerie and high heeled shoes (which work wonders for posture and look of legs). The model arrived early, wearing huge hiking booth and a mountaineering backpack. …
Being Shy or not
When shooting models without clothes it's rare that they are shy, towards the photographer. Depending on the experience of the model there may be the initial moment when they have to bear it all (which inevitable when shooting nudes) but after this for most models there seem to be a state of liberation coming over them. …
The cold season
It's winter time some years back and quite chilly outside. Preparing for a lingerie shoot with a professional model we have the heat well turned up to avoid goosebumps on the model.
The model comes into the studio a bit early for a shoot. …
'Virgin' nude model
There can only be one first time for everything including nude modeling.
At one of these "virgin" sessions the model brought a friend as it can be a bit intimidating baring it all in front of a stranger - and this is fine of course. …
Prior to a scheduled shot in a European city, the model contacted me, saying, "oh, I just colored my pubic hair Pink, hope you don't mind? Perhaps if you prefer it more normal you could shoot B&W or colorrize in Photoshop"? …
I love the details of a woman's body, and love to shoot close-up's. On this particular model, a blond haired girl, I discovered a host of beautiful blond hair - on the cheek of her 'rear'. Conversation went something like this: Wow you have these beautiful cute hairs on your cheek, let me take a close up… Model (standing on a wooden box): Are you serious? …